McPherson Family Farm

MacPherson Family Farm Cemetery

Middle of Lot 4, Concession 8, Esquesing Township
Trafalgar Road, Halton Hills, Halton Region, Ontario, Canada

Latitude: 43.5867°N
Longitude: –79.854°W

The 1877 Historical Atlas of Halton County shows this cemetery in the middle of Lot 4, Concession 8, where it was adjacent to a road running from the 7th Line (Trafalgar Road) to the 8th Line. That road no longer exists, except as a private driveway from the 8th Line.

The 1877 Atlas shows the land was owned by Robert Brockelbank. It was later owned by the Preston brothers, and in 2007 by John Zdunik. This cemetery contains five gravestones showing that eleven persons were buried here between 1829 and 1865.

The Brampton Conservator newspaper of 30 July 1914 said: “Like many another of the little graveyards scattered over the province, that containing the dust of the pioneers situate in the rear of lot 4, 7th line, Esquesing, has suffered from gross neglect. Its condition made its appeal to the late Thos. Preston, and chiefly through his exertions and that of his daughter, Mrs. Cox, the little cemetery has been encircled by a neat and substantial fence, constructed entirely of steel, and now an air of tidiness pervades the spot which it has not had for many a day.”